Monday 4 July 2011

Headway Charity Bungee Jump


Cllr Stephen Davison has raised £362.00 for Headway Cambridgeshire, one of our Town Mayor’s chosen charities.  Cllr Davison launched himself off a 300ft high crane in Windsor on Bank Holiday Monday, he said “the scariest part is waiting on the edge of the platform but once you jump it is just an amazing experience”!  Cllr Davison would like to say a big thank you to all who sponsored him.
Kate Ward of Headway says “we would very much like to thank you for showing your support for the work we do helping brain injured adults, their families and carers, across Cambridgeshire. We rely on fundraising and donations to help support the high quality service we aim to provide not just at our day centres, but also in the community as a whole”.
If you haven’t donated yet and would like to our just giving page is still active, just click on this link Just Giving – St Neots Town Council to make a donation.